“In sound we are born, in sound we are healed.”
- Mehtab Benton

Find stillness and experience deep rest
during a sound bath session.

Immerse yourself in the soothing soundscape of alchemy crystal singing bowls- bringing your mind, body, and soul to a place of relaxation and restoration.

This meditative experience offers deep relaxation that allows for rest and restoration within the body and mind.

The session provides time to settle in, however, it encouraged to arrive at least 10 – 15 minutes prior to the start time.  This little bit of extra time will be used to sign in, find a spot in the room, and begin to setup.  The sooner everyone is settled, the sooner we may begin- this means more time spent with the crystal bowls singing! 

Participants will be lying down on the floor for the sound bath meditation.  A reclined position is necessary for the session as it is not uncommon for the mind to drift in and out of sleep while the bowls play. To avoid injury, lying down is required, and upright chairs are not permitted. 

Some locations have yoga mats available for use (this will be indicated in confirmation email). If you have your own yoga mat, you may bring it if you wish.  You may also bring a freshly laundered/fragrance-free blanket and/or pillow if you would like.

If moving up and down from the floor is not ideal for you, there are a limited number of reclining chairs available (these must be requested/reserved prior to the session by emailing info@citrinesparrow.com).

Please wear comfortable clothes, and dress in layers so you are able to make adjustments based on the room temperature.

All sessions conclude with a time of sacred silence, and a grounding return to awareness. 

Out of respect for the collective experience, please:

  • Participants must be 18+

  • Arrive early- doors will lock exactly at the session start time. Late arrivers will not be permitted to enter.

  • Do not use your cell phone or smart watch during the session (it is recommended to turn all electronics off completely)

  • Refrain from wearing fragrances (perfume, cologne, essential oils, scented lotion, etc)

  • Do not talk with the people around you during the session

  • Be prepared to stay for the entire session. If you have a conflict that would require you to leave early, please register for a different session instead

  • No solicitation of products and services

  • Please do not touch or lean over the crystal singing bowls